There are a number of initiatives happening locally to help people through the cost of living crisis from community hubs, to supper clubs and discounted meals.
Local support organisations
Connect to Support Hampshire has a searchable directory of different community groups and organisations.
Family Information and Services Hub (FISH) has detailsĀ of all local activities, services and organisations that support families, parents and young people in our local area.
Warm Spaces
Lots of community spaces and local churches in the district are opening their doors this Winter to offer a free, warm and welcoming space to come and sit and be with people. You can find the full list of Warm Spaces on the Warm Welcome Spaces website.
Have a meal on us, St Paul’s Church, Winchester
St Paul’s Church in Winchester offers a free weekly supper club for local people who may benefit from a home-cooked meal and some company.
Southern Water Essentials Tariff
All water companies (including Southern Water) offer social tariffs that can heavily discount a household bill. To find out if you’re eligible for a social tariff from Southern Water please see the eligibility criteria for the Southern Water Essentials Tariff.
Free activities at The Arc
The Arc in Winchester has a number of free regular activities for children and adults including Rhyme Time, knit and natter and language classes. There is also free Wi-Fi and public computers.