If you have lots of debts there are things you can do to help you get out of debt, and certain debts that you will need prioritise over others. There are also a number of support organisations that can help you.
Citizens Advice
Our advisers here at Citizens Advice Winchester District can support you with debt and money advice. Call our free phone number on 0808 278 7861 or visit us at our office in Winchester. Alternatively the national Citizens Advice service has a dedicated debt helpline (0800 240 4420) and the Citizens Advice website also has a huge amount of information about debt.
National Debtline
The National Debtline is a charity that gives free and independent debt advice over the phone and online. Call them on 0808 808 4000
Step Change
Step Change is a national debt charity that gives free, debt advice and works with you to find a solution. Call them on 0800 138 1111
Debt Advice Foundation
The Debt Advice Foundation is a registered national debt advice and education charity offering free, confidential support and advice to anyone worried about loans, credit and debt. Call them on 0800 043 4050