Our Impact
Our advice changes people’s lives for the better. We help people find a way forward during times of great stress and uncertainty and offer a place to turn when it seems no one else will listen.
We change lives
We even save lives
Our advice changes lives for the better. It helps people out of challenging situations and enables them to move forward with their lives. Our advice helps people out of crisis and prevents a person’s situation from spiralling out of control. It also helps reduce stress and anxiety, which in turn can improve a person’s emotional and physical wellbeing.
What people say about us
“Citizens Advice is the best organisation helping ordinary people who, like me, find themselves in a difficult life situation. Their actions can be compared to those of the NHS, Citizens Advice also saves lives. Thank you very much.”
“My problem caused such anxiety and a worsening of my health problem. The advice completely resolved things for me.”
“The adviser made me feel so much better and that I was not alone in my moment of need.”
“My mental and physical health, and my finances, would suffer greatly without the help you gave me.”
“My mental and physical health, and my finances, would suffer greatly without the help you gave me.”
Our Local Impact
Our advice has an impact on every person that we support. While each individual has their own unique situation and circumstances, the overall support that we deliver to our service-users tells a story of the challenges members of our community are facing and the impact that our advice is having locally.
Our Impact Report provides a yearly summary of our advice services and the impact we’ve had locally.
Specialist Projects
Thanks to successful project funding we have been able to develop a growing number of specialist advice services within our local organisation.
We use our clients’ experience, stories and evidence to research and campaign for positive change both locally and nationally.
Success Stories
Emergency support with food and energy Charlie came to Citizens Advice with no money for food and no credit left on her electricity meter. Her [...]