If you get Universal Credit and you can’t work because you’re disabled or have a health condition, you’ll usually get an extra form to fill in. The form is called the ‘work capability questionnaire’ or ‘UC50’. 

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) use the form to decide whether you: 

  • have to work or look for work 
  • don’t have to work, but have to do things to prepare for work – called ‘limited capability for work’ (LCW) 
  • don’t have to work or prepare for work – called ‘limited capability for work-related activity’ (LCWRA) 

The form can take a long time to fill in. Allow time to take breaks if you can – it’s important to give the DWP enough information so they can make the right decision. 

You have to send the form back within 4 weeks after you get it – otherwise the DWP might decide you can work. If it’s more than 4 weeks since you got the form, you should still fill it in and send it as soon as you can. The DWP might accept it if there’s a good reason you couldn’t send it earlier. 

You can send medical evidence of your condition or disability along with the form. Medical evidence can give the DWP a better idea of how your condition affects your ability to work.  

You should send evidence if it supports what you’re saying on the form. 

We have information on how to fill in the form on our public site: https://www.citizensadvice.org.uk/benefits/universal-credit/if-youre-sick-or-disabled/start-the-work-capability-form-for-universal-credit/