A lot of food banks need a referral from Citizens Advice or other local charitable organisations in the area. If you are a Winchester or Alresford resident, you can refer yourself to the Winchester Basics Bank for food and clothing up to 8 times in a 12-month period: 


Please remember to bring your own bags. Details of the food hubs and opening times can be found below: 


After 8 self-referrals you can still receive help, but you will need to contact a referral agent who will be able to help you with additional assistance such as maximising your income.  

Citizens Advice can refer you to the food bank. Referral forms will be processed during normal working hours on Tuesdays and Fridays.  

If you live in the Meon Valley then we can refer you to the Meon Valley food bank which is located at the Wickham community centre. The foodbank is open on Tuesdays from 10am-2pm.